The most effective cardio product ever built™
from $49/month*.
Clinically shown to work more muscles & burn more fat than traditional cardio.
“If you are going to burn calories, you might as well work the muscles that make your butt and legs look great.” Shape Magazine, May 2012
“To get Megan Fox slim and sexy…after 2 babies in less than 2 years, Harley Pasternak used a balanced diet, short concentrated workouts, and the Helix® Lateral Trainer for her cardio.” People Magazine August 2014
“The Helix® Lateral Trainer…is one of the secrets to your best beach body ever.” Good Morning America, June 2015
“All those mixed movements force the core, butt and thigh muscles to work harder, combusting a whopping 800 calories an hour." Marie Claire Magazine, December 2010
“The Helix® Targets your butt, thighs, and hips, and burns fat while taking up 70 percent less space than a treadmill.” People Magazine, December 2015
“The Helix® Lateral Trainer…plane of motion is crucial to any workout routine….When you exercise in multiple planes, you see improvements in balance, mobility and function.” Shape Magazine August 2015

“The Helix®…firms muscles in real trouble areas but then it also does double duty by adding a cardio element that burns fat and helps reveal those muscles. The results we’re seeing are incredible.” Boston Magazine, January 2010

The lateral effect
Studies show traditional cardio only works the front and back of the lower body. But move laterally and you engage the entire lower body a full 360° for enhanced muscle activity and increased calorie burn every second of every workout.

Internationally recognized fitness VIPs
When experts speak, we believe you should listen. Some of the world’s top fitness VIPs are fans of Helix® Lateral Trainers.
““I have had my clients slideboard for years to take advantage of frontal plane movement, but until Helix®, there has never been a machine that could provide that. I highly recommend the Helix® Lateral Trainer.”Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning Coach, Boston University
Former Strength and Conditioning Coach, Boston Bruins

“Darleen Keegan eBay Corporate Health Clubs Arizona, California, Utah“We have the Helix® in four different campuses – two in California (6,000 employees) and campuses in Utah & Arizona (2,000 each)…I really like the Helix® because it’s innovative … I try to keep our clubs unique & creative and Helix® helps us achieve that objective.”

“Sue-L Hamilton University of Southern Florida“It’s appealing to people who are used to running or riding a bike on a regular basis and want something different that challenges their body in a different way but still gives them that cardio workout.
Tampa, FL

“Julian Selles Anatomic Fitness“Our users’ experience with the Helix® is fabulous. It’s a popular machine with the members…the reason we encourage members to use the Helix® – and why they like it – is the belief that you should workout in all the ways that your body is meant to move.”
Bedford NH

“Austin Scisciani YMCA of Licking County“It’s one of our top machines in terms of popularity with the members….it’s a machine that people aren’t used to seeing in other gyms, so it has that exotic appeal that helps attract potential new members.”
Newark OH

“Mike Weaver Cleveland State University“The Helix® is popular with our members…so it gets used a lot. I like it because it doesn’t necessarily feel like a cardio workout – it feels like you’re actually doing something functional like working on your leg strength. It offers something new & exciting to our members as opposed to the standard cardio machines.”
Cleveland, OH