My Glutes My Glutes

If one of your primary fitness targets is the lower body, you’ll probably pay attention when you hear someone on an exercise machine saying, My Glutes My Glutes to their trainer when asked where they feel it.  Such was the case with Dolly, a trade show attendee who jumped on a Helix® Lateral Trainer and couldn’t say enough about the experience after a brief workout.

When asked for some comments about the Helix®, Dolly came up with two memorable observations that we could probably build an ad campaign around: “Ladies, that thing really kicks your butt!” and “It’s a total body workout, ladies!”.  Dolly reaction mirrors that of essentially everyone who tries the Helix® because it is designed to engage, tone and shape the entire lower body – including all the gluteus muscles in addition to the quads and thighs.  From a woman’s perspective, it attacks EXACTLY those areas that traditionally have been the biggest trouble spots.  And for men it quickly builds lower body strength & agility and provides an unmatched cardio workout in less time than anything else available.

THE MOST EFFECTIVE CARDIO PRODUCT EVER BUILT – give the Helix® a test drive and you’ll be hooked!

The Helix® Lateral Trainer blows away traditional concepts of lower body training by providing both huge benefits to your core and all of your lower body muscles – glutes, quads, inner thighs & outer thighs, PLUS gives you an intense cardio workout.

FOR ALL WOMEN – the Helix® directly addresses those areas that worry you most – hips, butt & thighs – plus gives you the cardio workout that keeps you going.

FOR ALL MEN – cardio, cardio, cardio!  NOTHING will work your cardio like the Helix® Lateral Trainer.  And by-the-way, watch out…your core & lower body will NEVER be in better shape.

FOR ALL ATHLETES – the only machine designed to focus on your specific requirements – LATERAL STRENGTH & AGILITY.  And the cardio benefits are huge.

FOR  NEOPHYTES – fitness training can be intimidating, but the Helix® Lateral Trainer is designed to be inviting for everyone.  Jump on – it’s intuitive & within 2 minutes you’ll get it…THIS is how to get in shape!