Knee Pain & The Helix®
One of the most common issue facing many exercisers is knee pain during a workout or, in more serious cases, pretty much all the time. At a recent trade show for club owners, gym managers, and trainers, therefore, we were gratified by the number of attendees who stopped at the Helix® exhibit (after a brief workout on either a Helix® Upright or Recumbent) and mentioned how great the machine was for their knee pain.1 A sampling of comments from the video clip:
I have knee problems…I have trouble standing, walking, sitting…I didn’t feel ANYTHING with the Helix®...NOTHING…It was FANTASTIC!
I was apprehensive b/c I have a problem with my knees…After I used the Helix® my knees not only didn’t hurt but actually felt more flexible than when I started…(Helix® lower body exercise) is actually what HELPS your knees by building strong quads, abductors, and adductors.
My right knee’s been bugging me...The Helix® madce my thighs burn and my butt burn and I felt it right away,,,and it didn’t make my knees hurt…Obviously no impact on your knees, so that’s cool.
So what’s going on with Helix® & knee pain?
Because of the unique, patented Helix® Motion® built into all Helix® Lateral Trainers, with proper form & usage Helix® training activates your entire lower body musculature, i.e., 360° that includes the glutes, hamstrings, quads, inner thighs, and outer thighs.
Stated differently, ALL OF THE MUSCLE TISSUES THAT SUPPORT YOUR KNEES ARE ACTIVATED BY HELIX® LATERAL TRAINERS! This absolutely cannot be achieved with conventional treadmills, ellipticals, etc., and explains why Helix® Motion® is currently being licensed by major manufacturers of specialized rehab & therapy equipment across the industry. When your entire lower body musculature is activated, it immediately impacts your knee pain and overall conditioning in several ways:
• First, and beginning with that initial workout, the muscles begin to strengthen & develop your knees’ natural support structure which is suddenly turned into an internal knee brace that stabilizes your knees from the inside-out.
• Second, this 360° muscle activation burns huge calories which, in turn, can help to address the second leading cause of knee pain/injury/re-injury – too much weight. Since Helix® training is significantly more efficient – less time, more calories burned – than other cardio machines, with consistent use it helps achieve weight loss objectives at the same time it is developing the key muscles protecting your knees.
• Third, as you begin to control/lessen your knee pain, your tolerance for increased cardio exercise & intensity increases because you feel better and…HELIX® TRAINING IS FUN! In other words, with decreased knee pain you’re able to increase your training which, of course, improves your cardio conditioning & overall health.
There is, of course, a broad spectrum of knee injuries and you should always seek medical advice before undertaking any post-injury exercise. In many cases, including those ranging from working through a sprain to undertaking intensive physical therapy, Helix® Lateral Trainers can play an important role in accelerating recovery and, of course, decreasing knee pain. One more reason why HELIX® IS THE MOST EFFECTIVE CARDIO MACHINE EVER BUILT!
1 It’s estimated that 100 million Americans currently suffer from chronic knee pain and that number is growing – millions more men & women incur a variety of serious knee injuries EVERY SINGLE YEAR! Sprains, hyperextensions, damaged cartilage, torn ACLs, dislocations, patellar fractures – whatever the specifics of the injury, knee pain is the second most common source of chronic pain in Americans.