Interested In Conditioning?
We LOVE to get feedback from Helix® users about their personal conditioning experiences and how Helix® is helping them attain their goals. That’s why we were delighted to receive the following from Andrew, one of our new Helix owners:
I have been using the Helix® HLT2500 Lateral Trainer for five months and find it to be the most challenging and effective cardio machine I’ve ever used. I replaced recumbent bikes and stair climbers with the Helix® Lateral Trainer and have developed my core and glutes quickly, especially considering I am 54. I didn’t believe these areas could be developed anymore at my age, but they did!
I have used all the programs included with the Helix® Lateral Trainer and I found the “rolling” to be my favorite. However, I have achieved the best results using the “manual” program as it burns the most calories.
I feel stronger and can walk and run further and no longer have lower back pain. Additionally, I have experienced NO stress or strain on the knees at all and can enjoy a pain free workout. Above all, time flies on the Helix® Lateral Trainer! A MUST BUY
We couldn’t agree more, so regardless of your current conditioning – rehabbing from injury, a well conditioned athlete, or struggling to get in shape – get to a dealer or club near you & check it out – THE MOST EFFECTIVE CARDIO PRODUCT EVER BUILT!
The Helix® Lateral Trainer blows away traditional concepts of lower body training by providing both huge benefits to your core and all of your lower body muscles – glutes, quads, inner thighs & outer thighs, PLUS gives you an intense cardio workout.
FOR ALL WOMEN – the Helix® directly addresses those areas that worry you most – hips, butt & thighs – plus gives you the cardio workout that keeps you going.
FOR ALL MEN – cardio, cardio, cardio! NOTHING will work your cardio like the Helix® Lateral Trainer. And by-the-way, watch out…your core & lower body will NEVER be in better shape.
FOR ALL ATHLETES – the only machine designed to focus on your specific requirements – LATERAL STRENGTH & AGILITY. And the cardio benefits are huge.
FOR NEOPHYTES – fitness training can be intimidating, but the Helix® Lateral Trainer is designed to be inviting for everyone. Jump on – it’s intuitive & within 2 minutes you’ll get it…THIS is how to get in shape!