User Spotlight: Hockey Fitness Training
As one of our first residential customers, Mike Betts is a veteran Helix® user and a devoted Hockey Dad who has become a firm believer in the benefits of hockey fitness training for young players using the Helix®.
We get a lot of positive feedback from athletes, trainers, and clubs involved with essentially all types of sports. The unique requirement for athletes to constantly move laterally with speed and strength is a dead-on match with the benefits provided by the Helix® Lateral Trainer. Here’s what Mike had to say.
Helix®: What is your overall assessment of the Helix®?
The Helix® Lateral Trainer is really PERFECT for hockey fitness training.
First, it’s a solid, exercise machine that’s really well built – solid pedals, solid handles, heavy-duty machine.
Second, it gives you a great cardio workout. And from a hockey fitness perspective, the motion on the Helix® is similar to skating – which is what attracted me to it. The push off the inner part of the foot is very similar to skating, and when you step-up the resistance the Helix® becomes a great way to exercise all the lower body muscles used in hockey.
Helix®: What’s been your personal experience with the Helix®?
My son is a youth hockey player, hence my interest in hockey fitness training.
The Helix® has really been good for him. In particular, when he squats down to use the lower handles it really focuses in on strengthening his butt, thighs and lower hamstrings. He uses it primarily in sprint mode for short bursts like you need in hockey, and whenever he uses it the benefits are pretty much immediate.
The Helix® has definitely helped my son’s hockey fitness. He started when he was pretty young, and as he moves into his upper teens the Helix will help him build strength for more advanced hockey.
Helix®: Anything you’d like to add?
Just that my wife and I use it also, generally for about 15 minute sessions, which on the Helix® gives you a good workout.
What I like best is that you really feel it right away. The Helix® is just more efficient than other equipment for getting a good workout.